When you set out to start your own business no matter what business it is there are always going to be obstacles in you path, but I'm going to try to get you started off on the right foot.I find it very important to have a plan in mind that you can follow to make it a little easier to get a jump on your competition. You have to planto set aside some money for advertising as well as setting aside some capitol for your license and insurance.
You need to open a business account with your local bank and if your like me you have to purchase a license for every town that you plan to work in. You need to decide if your going to be a one man(or woman) show or if your going to hire employees. Have a plan as to how big you want your business to become and set out customizing it to fit your vision.
Make sure to follow some or all of these suggestions because all to many businesses don't make it past the first year because they thought that would be a waste of time to have a plan before they just jump in.