I thought I'd write a post about a topic that is not mentioned often enough and that is the topic of surrounding yourself with good employees. When you think about having a successful business of any kind you think about all the obvious things(tools,supplies,etc...)but you don't often think about one of the most important things to any business and that is having good people to do the work.
Lets face it I can not be in 10 different place at the same time so I need to know that I can have reliable people in those places who can do the job and do it the way I want it done. I feel really good every time I hear one of the other trades comment on how good my guys are and how hard they work. As in employer I can take pride in hiring guys who know how to get it done.
As employers we also have to learn to play to our employees strenghts and weaknesses, as an example I would not want to put a man in a situation that he would not excel like if I knew that an employee is a good painter but might not be the best people person then I might want to not have him on a residential job alone where he would have to have a lot of interaction with a customer, I might want to use him in more of a new construction setting.
You get the idea, that just comes with experience. Remember in the end an employer is only as good as his 0r hers employees.