
Monday, October 25, 2010

Tricks or Treets

With Halloween right around the corner I got to thinking about the Tricks and Treets that go along with being in business for your self. All the things that go with being self- employeed.

Before I start I just want to state that I am in no way trying to discourage anyone from starting a business or from making it seem that I am in any way unhappy with the path I choose.

That would be just the opposite from the truth ,I am extremely happy with my decision to go out on my own, and I would not want to ever have to go back to work for someone else.

So I will act as an impartial party and give you the good and bad points of being self- employeed.

First the Good:

  1. You get to make all the Money!

  2. You get to set your own hours.

  3. You make all the decisions.(that can be both good & bad)

  4. You have total control.

  5. You get to exercise your creative juice

Now the Bad:

  1. You have all the headaches.

  2. You make all the decisions (see #3)

  3. You get all the blame.

  4. You get to put out all the money for supplies etc....

There are probably many more positives as well as negatives that you can think of that I may have left off this list but you get the idea.

This post was just food for thought for anyone thinking of starting a new business.

Good Luck.